What is the difference between an invigorating workplace, a toxic workplace and a workplace that is just a means to a paycheck? Is it the work? Is it the people? Is it because of the attitude you bring into your workplace? Is it some other quality? Perhaps it is a combination of all of the above.
When I see a person yawn, I tend to yawn also. Yawning is scientifically proven to be contagious but other human behaviors are also - whether you intend it or not. For example, think of someone who makes you smile every time you think of her/him. Why does this person make you smile? Is it possible that we could infect our workplaces for good - both for positive and permanently?
I know some very positive people who are considerate, supportive and otherwise awesome! I know these people make me happy so I work hard to be more like them to maybe bring a smile to other colleagues. One strategy that made me happy as a supervisor was when staff brought me possible solutions rather than complaints so I try to do the same for my supervisors. Sometimes my suggested solutions did not account for all the variables but then it became an excellent opportunity to collaborate!
In contrast, toxic personalities can infect a workplace. Some people will complain about, well, almost everything - whether or not based on any kind of facts. Others around them may believe the complaints and the chain of discontent can develop and expand. Sometimes, these complaints grow so fast and so large that the truth can become completely dwarfed until solutions are no longer possible. Interventions need to happen before they may become too late.
Some ideas on how you can improve your current work situation are:
You can become the pied piper of change to spread positive support throughout your workplace. Dale Carnegie advocated that changing other people's behavior might be possible if you change your own behavior towards the person. As Michael Jackson said, "I'm starting with the man in the mirror. I'm asking him to change his ways."
While a yawn is highly contagious, I believe that a smile is even more infectious and can make everyone's work life better. If we all smile more at work, that's one good step. You can be part of the transformation to a more invigorating place to work!
For more on being a positive contagion in your workplace, contact Mako & Associates at DeeAn@MakoEd.com or 206-992-7484.